The previous picture is that of b2k, New Edition wannabes, heart throbs to teen girls all over and victims of child sex abuse. The entertainment industry, movies and music as well as dance, has always been filled with child molesters or pedophiles. This not as new as you may think. With in the African community, our obsession with star power and celebrity tends to obscure rational thoughts and objectivity when it comes to what goes on behind the closed doors of Michael Jackson’s ranch or inside of Robert Kelly’s closet.  R Kelly was known to have sex with girls as young as 11, urinating on some of them, yet people still buy his records and embrace him, defend him, hell even attack the girls molested by him. He has sung the national anthem at NBA, NFL, and boxing events, he has won Grammy awards, BET awards, experienced huge records sales and has a protracted court case for sexual abuse (5 years) and counting without a trial. It begs the question, are we as a community ascribing a double standard to knee-grow pedophiles? Are we afraid to deal with knee-grow sexual assaults? Why do we keep supporting the offenders?


People defend or trivialize Michael Jackson’s his-story of pedophilia. He is the fodder for comics on most any circuit, in the barber shops and record store; we make fun of his stage antics and talk as if we knew along time ago he was “fruity”. Here is a forty-nine year old male, who acts as if his greatest dream is to be a “white woman”. Who enjoys “sharing” his bed with little boys; who has been documented as conducting himself in extremely suspicious manner around young boys, paid off one parent (whether they appear to be pimping their kids or not) and yet we reject him more because he doesn’t make “relevant” music any more, than the very strong evidence of being a pedophile.

He fits the profile of a pedophile perfectly. He seduces the parents, He exhibits some well-developed techniques of gaining access to children, He seduced his children victims and He has the ability to identify with & listen to children. Michael also collects keepsakes from the children. He has the classic symptoms of a pedophile which is refusing to say his behavior is wrong. In his mind sleeping with children that are not his own is fine. His long story shows that he has victimized multiple children by using his celebrity to lure children into Neverland. He gives them alcohol, takes them on rides, shows them pornography, all the while gaining their trust and the trust of parents with dollar signs in their eyes.

Child sexual abuse can result in both short-term and long-term harm, including psychopathology in later life. Psychological, emotional, physical, and social effects include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, eating disorders, poor self-esteem, dissociative and anxiety disorders; general psychological distress and disorders such as somatization, neurosis, chronic pain, sexualized behavior, school/learning problems; and behavior problems including substance abuse, destructive behavior, criminality in adulthood and suicide.

Long term negative effects on development leading to re-victimization in adulthood are also associated with child sexual abuse. Studies have established a causal relationship between childhood sexual abuse and certain specific areas of adult psychopathology, including suicide, antisocial behavior, PTSD, anxiety and alcoholism. Adults with a history of abuse as a child, especially sexual abuse, are more likely than people with no history of abuse to become frequent users of emergency and medical care services. A study comparing middle-aged women who were abused as children with non-abused counterparts found significantly higher health care costs for the former.

Sexually abused children suffer from more psychological symptoms than children who have not been abused; studies have found symptoms in 51% to 79% of sexually abused children. The risk of harm is greater if the abuser is a relative, if the abuse involves intercourse or attempted intercourse, or if threats or force are used. The level of harm may also be affected by various factors such as penetration, duration and frequency of abuse, and use of force. The social stigma of child sexual abuse may compound the psychological harm to children, and adverse outcomes are less likely for abused children who have supportive family environments.


Chris Stokes…


 Is the manger of the defunked group b2k.  According to reports he litteraly stole the group from their original managers and talked their parents into having the boys sign a deal with him ONLY. The parents seeing the house they were living in thought that Chris was big time.   He wasn’t, because he had already been “white” balled in the industry. NOBODY liked the cat, a conniving, and back stabbing thieving child molester. Some of the parents had their doubts. Jarell’s (the third member of the group) father wasn’t swinging with that shit until Chris Stokes made a deal with him to get some hush, hush extra money from their future albums. According to sources, both Omarion’s mother and her boyfriend at the time, were skeptical, especially the boyfriend, but like a lot of young single mothers, became enthralled by Chris Stokes, light skinned looks, his wealth and what he could do for her and her child. She had Omarion when she was around 14 or 15 so this was an opportunity for her to get back some of the luster lost as a child mother. All she could see was all those dead presidents and the things they can do for her. As soon as her boyfriend started making waves, trying to get into Omarion’s business, he was removed from the picture.

Another group member was a cat by the name of Quindon. Quindon currently lives in Texas as a born-again Christian. As part of the transition to born again Christianity, he became a member of the church, by standing up to offer himself to the “Lord” and testified that as a young boy he was molested by Chris Stokes, who used to manage b2k.  He spoke of a “secret group” of them (Marques Houston included) that used to jack each other off and perform oral sex on each other but no penetration. Chris had even been to court before behind a similar situation. The members of B2K are all child victims at the hand of a sick and depraved individual from an equally perverse environment. The longstanding evidence of celebrity child molesters has been out there for a long time.


Some include the curious story of Victor Salva, Gary Glitter, Jon Peters  there is also female sexual offenders such as Debra Lafave and Stephanie Ragusa, two teachers who abused their authorities and the male under their care. Due to the fucked up nature of our societal make up, many adult males would go on forums talking about their desire to DO (?) these women.

The documentary Secrets of a Child Molester which came out in 1995 features an interview with convicted child molester Ross Nelson, who lured hundreds of adolescent boys into sexual relationships over the course of 40 years. Explores his methods for manipulating both the children and their parents and interviews Nelson’s former neighbors and acquaintances.  On the website, Kevin Kusinitz, wrote an article titled Hollywood on the Offensive delved into how Child abuse hits the silver screen.

It is a testament to our society in this modern Greco-Roman empire, that a celebrity such as R Kelly can be found not guilty of sex abuse, though his background and the industry he whores for is rift with allegations and acts alluding to a lifestyle where sex with underage children is the norm. However, the industry does devoure whom it wants to devour. Perhaps if Mystikal had a bigger music legacy and mainstream fans, he would not have suffered the fate of spending  six years in prison  after pleading guilty to extortion and forcing his hairstylist to perform sex acts.  The rapper and two bodyguard forced the woman to perform oral sex, have sex with them, and accused her of stealing $80,000 in cheques.

What more can we do to stem this increasing evidence of child sexual abuse in society on a whole and the African community specifically? More and more we are witnessing this destruction of our young by adult predators, so many of whom are former victims themselves. Yet the journey appears hard due to the prevalence of media and the conditioning they place on our minds, along with the liberal judicial system that portion out justice based on whether or not one is on the in or not.

4 thoughts on “The celebrity abusers

  1. Clearly your open minded and receptive to other ideas. Many people in the online community are a little more totalitarian. added to my socialbookmark 😀 Of course– and I probably shouldn’t even have to say this– people are free to run their own websites as they see fit. But I get the highest value from blogs where either the author’s writing is so outstanding that the lack of comments isn’t material a combination of good writing and good comments

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  3. Good blog layout, will bookmark your post : The celebrity abusers For survivors of child sexual abuse and also add your rss feed to my feed readers! Many thanks for a very interesting read!However,It’s weird to find out just how many different blogs the internet has about this topic. I am not sure if I will ever need to return here, but it’s awesome to know I stumbled upon the one that provides some valuable info if this ever comes up for me another time.

  4. My name is Amanda. Recently I learned that my ex husband has been viewing porn in front of my child . along with having females off the internet and paying them for sexual favors. I knew something odd was going on when Iwas seeing my 9yo exhibit some odd behaviors. so, I stateted doing some reserch. I found out that his 18 yo daughter moved out after only being there for a few months. She moved out because her dad ( my ex) was making lude comments to her about her private areas and watching innapropriate things in front of her ( porn) she said he would also be on his computer looking at porn and would not shut it off while she is inthe room. she also told me that it has been going on in fromt of my 9 yo for a long time. I , as a concerned parednt wrote the FOc in september with my concerns for my daughter and nothing was done. than last week after speaking with my counsoler and asking for advice i, filed a cps report. They said that after meeting with my daughter for 20 min that she is safe. They pretty much said that its ok for her dad to view porn in front of her and make lde gestures. I dont agree., I think its sick and disgusting,. I wrote a letter to the OCO wich is a part of CPS but they work with families who have had cps doing the wrong thing. this is the letter I received in return.

    Ms. Sawyer,

    Thank you for contacting the Office of Children’s Ombudsman (OCO). The OCO is an independent state agency with authority to investigate cases handled by the Department of Human Services (DHS) and private child-placing agencies. Our investigations consist of reviewing case files to monitor agency compliance with laws, rules, and policies that govern the handling of children’s protective services (CPS), foster care, adoption services and juvenile justice cases. Some of the concerns the OCO does not have the authority to investigate are those involving custody, parenting time, child support, guardianships, school problems, decisions by courts, adoption consent decisions, and actions by attorneys and law enforcement. You may find more detailed information about our powers and duties by visiting our website at

    Our office does not have the authority to help people regain custody of their children so we are unable to assist you in that regard. As an investigate agency, although we investigate how CPS workers handle cases, we do not have the authority to remove children from their homes. That can only be done by court order requested either by CPS or law enforcement. However, I would like to provide you with information that will hopefully give you a better understanding of the child abuse/child neglect system.

    CPS workers must follow state policy in addition to Michigan’s Child Protection Law. The Child Protection Law defines what legally constitutes child abuse or child neglect. The situation you described that your daughter is witnessing in her father’s home is NOT child abuse or child neglect under the law. Witnessing acts between adults is not abuse or neglect to the child and neither is it abuse or neglect for a child to see adult pornography. In order for something to be deemed child abuse or child neglect, the act has to be done TO the child, not witnessed by the child. Therefore, when the CPS worker determined that your daughter was “safe” it probably means that she is not being abused or neglected by her father based upon your concerns. Emotional injury or mental abuse are conditions that can only be diagnosed by a mental health professional (therapist, counselor, psychologist, etc.). Unless there is a diagnosis, CPS workers cannot independently determine that a child is suffering emotional injury or mental abuse.

    With regard to a copy of the CPS report, state CPS policy says that CPS workers have 30 days from the date the complaint is filed to complete their investigation and write the report. After the report is complete, the supervisor has two weeks to review it before it can be made available to you. The worker and supervisor could complete this process in less time than this but they do not have to.

    There are many situations that do not constitute child abuse or child neglect that may actually be bad parenting. Issues that are bad parenting should be brought to the attention of Friend of the Court. FOC can then decide whether or not the acts are bad parenting issues and whether they rise to the level of changing custody or parenting time.

    It is unfortunate that the CPS worker was rude to you, especially when you are concerned about our daughter and are only trying to do what is best for her and make sure she is safe. However, since the concerns described in your email message do not appear to be violations of state CPS policy or state law, our office will not open a case for investigation of your complaint. Even though our office is unable to assist you, I hope the information above is helpful.

    Charlotte J. SmithSupervisorOffice of Children’s Ombudsman517-373-3077


    AMARILLO — An Amarillo man’s indicted for showing his kids porn. It’s an I-Team update on a story we’ve been bringing you since August.
    The 33-year-old father’s been indicted on two counts of endangering a child.
    The Dallas mother and ex-wif…e claimed he showed their young daughters porn while he had custody of them in Amarillo.
    The father claimed it was sex education, and the law appeared to protect that.
    The mother has been fighting to change that law, and DA James Farren has been working to find a way to charge the father.
    The mother now has custody. She has a public campain on her website:

    There is no way this is ok . And I need your help to make it known that children who go thru this kind of thing become mentally abused and who knows what can happen. I am a concerned parent and I need to help my child and the state needs to change its laws on child porn and the dangers that will eventually exist with children who are a victe of this.

    Thank you ,
    Amanda Sawyer


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